Write brief notes on generator protection and bus bar protection. Nov 12, 2016 nov dec 2019 important questions is available for download in this page for ee6702 protection and switchgear. Ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus regulation 20. Richard codor download sf6 switchgear power and energy series i e e power engineering series pdf online. What are the various faults that would affect an alternator. Power system protection complete notes ebook free download pdf. Pdf ee6702 protection and switchgear lecture notes, books. Ee6702 protection and switchgear notes regulation 20. Ee6702protection and switchgear r20 relay transformer. At the last time of examination you wont be able to refer. Assembly of such devices in a logical manner forms switchgear. Ee2402 protection and switchgear l t p c 3 0 0 3 unit i introduction 9 importance of protective schemes for electrical apparatus and power system.
Switchgear and protection textbook free download by bakshi. Sf6 switchgear power and energy series i e e power. Net is the right place to get all semester anna university important questions. Or give a detailed explanation about cts and pts and its application to power system. A switchgear is a generic term which includes all the switching devices associated with power system protection. Lecture notes on switchgear and protection devices for students. Download pdf protection and switchgear notes download pdf download anna university notes android app. Anna university ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus notes 2 marks with answer is provided below. Explain protection scheme of an ac induction motor nd16 threephase or polyphase motors are of mainly two types. Ee6702 protection and switchgear r20 free ebook download as pdf file. Unit i protection schemes ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus principles and need for protective schemes nature and causes of faults types of faults fault current calculation using symmetrical components methods of neutral grounding zones of protection and. Summary switchgear and protection when the fault occurs the relay 2 connected to ct 8 and pt 7 actuates and close its contact 6 current flows from the battery 5 in the trip circuit 4 trip coil 3 is energized and cb 1 operating mechanism is actuated.
Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for eee ee6702. Ee6702 protection and switchgear previous year question. Ee6702 protection and switchgear notes to educate the causes of abnormal operating conditions faults, lightning and switching surges of the apparatus and system. Bakshi explained every information neatly without any mistake. Power system protection and switchgear badri ram, d. To score more in your semester exams get best score in your semester exams without any struggle. Ee6702 protection and switchgear previous year question papers. Switch gear and protection textbook are one of the famous textbook for engineering students. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone.
Protection and switchgear lecture notes authorstream. Ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus notes question papers 2 marks with answers question bank with answers anna university ee6702 psg notes syllabus 2 marks with answers eee 7th semester regulation 20 7th semester syllabus notes anna university ee6702 protection and switchgear notes syllabus 2 marks with answers part a question bank with answers key anna university ee6702. The protection index is the level of protection provided to by an enclosure against access to hazardous parts, the penetration of solid foreign bodies and of water. Ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus regulation 20 anna university free download. Switchgear is used both to deenergize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream. Nov dec 2019 important questions is available for download in this page for ee6702 protection and switchgear. It applies to enclosure of electrical equipments with a. Electric power system electricity is generated at a power plant 1 voltage is steppedup for transmission2 energy travels along a transmission line to the area where the power is needed 3 voltage is decreased or steppeddown at another substation 4 a distribution power line 5 carries that electricity until it reaches a home or business 6. The neutral point of the generator is usually earthed, so as to facilitate the protection of the stator winding and associated system. Nptel lectures power system protection and switchgear. Ee6702 protection and switchgear important questions nov. Ee6702 protection and switchgear novdec 2018 regulation 20. The resistance reduces the restriking voltage frequency and it diverts part of the arc current. Ee6702protection and switchgear r20 free ebook download as pdf file.
Download ee6702 protection and switchgear lecture notes, books, syllabus parta 2 marks with answers ee6702 protection and switchgear important partb 16 marks questions, pdf books, question bank with answers key. Ee6702 protection and switchgear lecture notes protection and switchgear ppt lecture notes. It also includes all devices associated with control, metering and regulating of electrical power systems. Ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus notes question papers 2 marks with answers question bank with answers anna university ee6702 psg notes syllabus 2 marks with answers eee 7th semester regulation 20 7th semester syllabus notes anna university ee6702 protection and switchgear notes syllabus 2 marks with answers part a question bank with answers key anna university ee6702 protection. What are the types of graded used in line of radial relay feeder.
A measurement ct has to be accurate over its complete range e. Or with a neat sketch discuss in detail about the synthesis of reactance relay using phase comparator. It is the method of connecting a resistance in parallel with the contact spacearc. To educate the causes of abnormal operating conditions faults, lightning and switching surges of the apparatus and system.
Pdf ee6702 protection and switchgear lecture notes. Ee6702 protection and switchgear aprmay 2018 regulation 20 ee6702 protection and switchgear novdec 2016 regulation 20. The ip code is a coding system to indicate protection index. Power system protection iit bombay pdf free download. Pdf pdf of switchgear and protection pdf of switchgear and. Apr 23, 2018 ee6702 syllabus protection and switchgear pdf free download. Pdf srirams ias general studies complete printed materials collection free download. In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. The general layout of a protection system may be viewed as given in the following figure.
Ee6702 protection and switchgear aprilmay 2017 anna university question paper score more in your semester exams get best score in your semester exams without any struggle. Define the term pick up value in a protective relay. Ee 6702 protection and switchgear university questions and answers unit 4 part a 1. Definite time relay and inversedefinite time relay. Low impedance using time overcurrent relays inexpensive but affected by ct saturation. Zones of protection by dividing the power system into protection zones the. Ee6702 protection and switchgear novdec 2016 question paper. Unit i introduction to xml it6801 notes service oriented architecture xml document structure well formed and valid documents. Contents of power system protection lecture, iit bombay. Protection and switchgear ee8602, ee6702 anna university.
Power system transients complete notes ebook free download pdf. Online study material, lecturing notes, assignment, reference, wiki and important questions and answers. Power system protection complete notes ebook free download pdf sorry to say but some notes r missin. Ee6702 notes protection and switchgear pdf free download. Ee6702 protection and switchgear aprilmay 2017 anna. Pdf ee6702 protection and switchgear lecture notes, books, important 2 marks questions with answers, important partb 16 marks questions with answers. Ee6702 syllabus protection and switchgear pdf free download.
Switchgear and protection textbook free download switchgear and protection textbook by bakshi free download in pdf. Ee6702 protection and switchgear novdec 2016 anna university question paper. Ee6702 protection and switchgear aprilmay 2017 anna university question paper. Ee6702 protection and switchgear syllabus notes question. Just refer the ee6702 previous year university question paper from our website. Ee6702 protection and switchgear anna university 20 regulation syllabus download pdf. Ee6702 protection and switchgear notes regulation 20 anna university free download. Switchgear and protection summary in an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment.
Switchgear and protection the sequence of function during abnormal condition. Ee2402 protection and switchgear all 5 units lecture notes authorstream presentation. It applies to enclosure of electrical equipments with a rated voltage of less then or equal to 72. Ee 6702 notes syllabus all 5 units notes are uploaded here. Ee6702 protection and switchgear novdec 2016 anna university question paper novdec 2016 here you can get previous year question paper recent question papers 2marks syllabus 20 regulation etc. Switchgear and protective devices 2015 8 p a g e risk of synchronous motors in large industrial premises falling out of step and tripping out. Protection and switchgear at ifet college of engineering. Apparatus protection over current and earth fault protection transformer protection. To detect the fault and initiate the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective element from. Pdf ee6702 protection and switchgear ps books, lecture.
Impedance is inserted in the earthing lead to limit the magnitude of the earth fault current. I think this book is enough for engineering students who. Switchgear and protection pdf notes sgp pdf notes smartzworld. Lecture notes on switchgear and protection devices for. Are you searching about anna university exams important questions. Explain the block diagram of numerical relay with necessary diagram. Service oriented architecture it6801 notes pdf free download. Protection cts a measurement grade ct has much lower va capacity than a protection grade ct. Ee6702 protection and switchgear notes r20 slideshare. Ee6702 protection and switchgear notes regulation 20 padeepz. Ee6702 protection and switchgear important questions nov dec. Pdf ee6702 protection and switchgear ps books, lecture notes.
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